Wednesday, May 13, 2020

I'm batman!! Batman/Bruce Wayne

Batman is an imaginary superhero whose secret identity is Bruce Wayne; an extravagant American playboy, celebrity socialite, philanthropist, and owner of Wayne Enterprises who’s the main agenda are to fight crime in Gotham City. After seeing his parents, Dr. Thomas and Martha Wayne being killed when he was a child, Batman swore vengeance against every criminal.

To keep his identity secret and scare his enemies, Wayne wears a Bat-suit that consists of a close-fitting cowl with ear-like projections, utility belt, cape with fin-like projections, and bodysuit with a black bat emblem on the chest. He lives on the outskirts of the city. With the development of the Batman story, the superhero earns names such as the Caped CrusaderDark Knight, and World’s Greatest Detective. Besides having the story of Batman in books, the same is licensed and presented on newspapers, stage shows, Radio dramas, TV, Film, and Merchandise such as toys, video games, and clothes.

The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming. - Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight 

For almost 80 years, Batman has been delighting superhero fans around the world who enjoy a little darkness in their comics, TV shows, and movies.

 If you are ready to take your Caped Crusader fandom to the next level, how about integrating some memorable quotes from the awesome adventures of Batman and his formidable foes and frenemies? Today, we are sharing a few of our favorite Batman quotes that are guaranteed to “Bruce” up your life.

“Death and chance stole your parents. But rather than become a victim, you have done everything in your power to control the fates. For what is Batman if not an effort to master the chaos that sweeps our world? An attempt to control death, itself?” —Alfred Pennyworth, Batman and Robin

 “There is no defeat in death, Master Bruce. Victory comes in defending what we know is right while we still live.” —Alfred Pennyworth, Batman and Robin

Endure, Master Wayne. Take it. They’ll hate you for it, but that’s the point of Batman, he can be the outcast. He can make the choice that no one else can make, the right choice.   -Alfred  in The Dark Knight 

“Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up.”  - Alfred in Batman Begins

If you’re good at something, never do it for free.
-The Joker in The Dark Knight

A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a little boy’s shoulders to let him know that the world hadn’t ended. - Batman in The Dark Knight Rises 

“Your anger gives you great power. But if you let it, it will destroy you… As it almost did me.” –  Henri Ducard in Batman Begins
Sometimes the truth isn’t good enough, sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded
-Batman in The Dark Knight

If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they can’t stop you, then you become something else entirely… Legend Mr Wayne. –  Henri Ducard in Batman Begins
We come to be known by what we do, and not by who we really are. Our actions speak to our character and the decisions we make become who we are. Batman is someone whose action completely makes him, because nobody truly knows who he is.

“Everything’s impossible until somebody does it.” – Batman

Impossible is a word that is thrown a lot when someone can’t do something. Everything was once impossible until somebody did it. You must have the mindset that nothing is impossible and anything can be achieved with the right attitude and effort.

“Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves back up.” – Batman
We fail so that we can learn from our failures. Failing is one of the best lessons we can learn in life. It gives us humility and we learn what we did wrong and how to fix it. Nobody succeeds without failing a few times first.

“Our greatest glory is not in ever falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Batman

Our strongest traits are not in the ability to succeed flawlessly, but in coming back even stronger after we fail. Failures are hard to take and they break some people, but the successful ones are the ones who learn from their failures and come back better than ever.
“If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the room remains the same.” – Batman
If you kill someone who has killed, then you are also a killer. Batman’s rule was to never kill anyone. He always wanted to be the bigger man in the room and this quote exemplifies that. It does not matter what someone else does, do not drop down to their level.

“Sometimes it’s only madness that makes us what we are.” – Batman

Some people are judged by their actions during times of madness. The joker is a perfect example of the image Batman is trying to point out. The Joker is famous for his times of madness and his overall insane behavior.

Batman does not believe his main powers are what make him special. He believes that his true power is that of never giving up and never giving in. The will to never give up is worth much more than a superpower or any natural born talent.

“We stopped checking for monsters under our bed when we realized they were inside us.” – The Joker

People like the Joker are not scared of monsters because they have realized that they are monsters. We usually check for monsters under our bed as children, but if we knew that we were the monsters we were checking for, we would no longer be scared.

"Some men just want to watch the world burn.” – Alfred Pennyworth
Some people are not here for the betterment of themselves or the world. Some people are born with the purpose to cause chaos and make the world worse. These people need to be contained and not associated with. They are negative people and bring nothing but hate.

Batman knows that if he lives long enough, he may end up turning into a villain. He would rather have a short, impactful life as someone who has made the world better, than live long enough to become someone who has made the world worse.

“The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules.” – Batman
Batman believes in living by his own rules. There are times when bending the rules are necessary for success and for what is right. We cannot live our lives on the basis of someone else’s rules and someone else’s agenda.

“Whatever doesn’t kill you, simply makes you stronger.” – Batman
The failures we go through and the pain we endure only makes us stronger for future tasks. When we learn what we can accomplish and what we can get through, we are able to realize that anything is possible if have the right mindset.

“He’s the here Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.” – Jim Gordon
Sometimes what we deserve and what we need are not the same. Batman is the hero that Gotham deserved at that point in time, but he was not the one they needed. Batman was not a hero for Gotham, he was a protector; someone who watched over the entire city.

“Endure, Master Wayne. Take it. They’ll hate you for it, but that’s the point of Batman, he can be the outcast.” – Alfred Pennyworth

Batman does not need bring immediate satisfaction to the city of Gotham. He can be hated for a time to bring something even greater to the city. He can be the outcast because he knows what he is capable of in the long run.
“You are as precious to me as you were to your own mother and father.” – Alfred Pennyworth
Alfred was Batman’s butler and friend. He raised Bruce Wayne from when he was a child to the crime stopping hero that he became. He loved him like a son and acted as a father figure when Bruce Wayne’s parents were gone.

“A hero can be anyone, even a man doing something as simple as reassuring putting a coat on a young boy’s shoulders.” – Batman
A hero isn’t always the person who flies through the air and defends against villains. A hero can be any normal person who does the right thing. A hero is someone who puts faith and love in the eyes of the people around them.

“You start pretending to have fun; you might even have a little by accident.” – Alfred Pennyworth
Batman is a very serious man, in and out of his alter ego. Alfred advises him to try and enjoy his life purpose of protecting Gotham. He believes that Batman will do a better job and enjoy it more if he has a good time doing it.

“I’m whatever Gotham needs me to be.” – Batman
Batman does not care if Gotham needs him to save the city, or to bag groceries. Whatever Gotham needs, he will be there for the city he loves. This is a sign of a true hero, someone who will do anything to protect their city no matter what the task is.

“You’re not the devil. You’re practice.” – Batman
Batman Knows that the villains he faces are just practice for when he truly faces a challenging adversary. Every day that he protects the city is a growth process for him to get better at his craft and become a master superhero.

“It’s not just your name, sir! It’s your father’s name! And it’s all that’s left of him. Don’t destroy it.” – Alfred Pennyworth
Batman must understand that he is fighting for more than just the city of Gotham, he is fighting for his name and his parents name. He fights to honor his parents and Alfred wants him to realize that there is more at stake than just protecting a city.

“Your compassion is a weakness your enemies will not share.” – Henri Ducard
Compassion for another human, no matter who they are, is a trait that Batman Personifies. He will never kill another man regardless of what they have done. His enemies do not think this way and he has to be aware of that fact.

“Sometimes the truth isn’t good enough, sometimes people need more.” – Batman
It is good to be an honest person, but sometimes the truth is not enough. Sometimes people need advice on their next step, or assurance that everything is going to be okay. Telling the truth is always the first step, but sometimes that just makes people more nervous for the future.

“But as a symbol, as a symbol I can be incorruptible.” – Batman
Batman knows he will not be around to protect Gotham someday. But he wants his message to stay alive. If he is able to build a symbol for himself that represents Gotham, then villains will never know if Batman is there or not and will stay away from the city.